

158 Uppsatser om Marine engineer - Sida 1 av 11

Upprorsbekämpning i Anbar-provinsen

During 2004 to 2008, The United States Marine Corps (USMC) executed counterinsurgency operations in Anbar Province with the purpose to stabilize one of the most violent areas in Iraq. The Marine Corps successfully managed to suppress the insurgency as violence dropped dramatically in late 2007. What did the marines do in order to suppress the insurgency? Why did violence drop in the province? The Marine Corps approach and procedures have been examined earlier through theories of organizational learning and adaptation. However, there is an absence of studies aiming to analyse the Marine Corps? counterinsurgency approach through the analytical lens of counterinsurgency theory.

Ingenjörpluton : Kung på en sak eller klåpare på tusen?

This essay is about the engineer platoon. The engineer platoon has many different tasks and from my own experience sometimes too many. The platoon is able to build bridges, clear mines and to perform all kinds of construction work in rural or in urban terrain.In this case study I compare goals/demands for the battalion to goal?s set up for the company and finally what effects this has on the engineer platoons abilities. The main question is, if the engineer platoon really can solve all tasks given to them in the document TOEM? Abilities such as effect, protection and movement are the bearing parts of the case study.The materials I have analyzed are mostly from documents published by The Swedish Armed Forces.

Marschen mot Bagdad : 1st Marine Division

Denna uppsats avhandlar 1st Marine Division och deras väg in i Irak under operation Iraqi Freedom. Syftet med uppsatsen är att verifiera om det var konceptet manöverkrigföring som 1st Marine Division använde sig av under invasionen? Det har sagts att amerikanerna använde sig av manöverkrigföring i denna operation. Jag ställer mig mer frågande om det verkligen var det konceptet som de använde sig av.För att svara på frågeställningen har jag först beskrivit vad manöverkrigföring är, därefter har jag gjort en fallstudie på 1st Marine Division och deras agerande under invasionen av Irak 2003. Vi följer divisionen från utgångsgrupperingen i Kuwait tills divisionen är inne i Bagdad.

Nya gränssnitt mellan människa och hav: interaktiva teknologier för ett marint upplevelsecenter.

This thesis project explores technologies that enable people to experience the world through animals' senses in order to spark interest in and awareness about the marine environment and its inhabitants. The project is carried out as part of a planned ocean themed science center. The purpose is to explore how a greater understanding of the marine environment can be achieved using interactive technologies. The thesis is based on a theoretical framework consisting of academic works on experience, learning in a museum context and sensory perception. Our proposed designs are a series of, primarily, wearable devices that translate sensory experiences and principles from the marine world to humans.

Isolating microorganisms from marine and marine-associated samples : a targeted search for novel natural antibiotics

The search for antibiotic compounds from the natural environment has been going on for seven decades, ever since penicillin entered the market and antibiotic treatments became routine. The evolutionary pressure put on the pathogenic microorganisms induced a rapid spreading of naturally occurring resistance genes, leaving only the option of finding new antibiotics to treat the resistant pathogens. Microorganisms have been extensively mined for their biosynthetic abilities to produce biologically active compounds. To date, more than 23 000 microbial natural products have been discovered. The Actinomycetales are ubiquitous bacteria that have been used for antibiotic discovery for more than half a century, and over 10 000 natural products have been identified from the order.

Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?

This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..

Hav och Strand : stenteknologi och marin anpassning på Gotland under Senboreal/Tidigatlantisk tid

The essay circulates around the technological analysis of flint material from four localities around the Baltic Sea basin. The analysis was created to investigate the question of where the first Gotlandic settlers originated from and to give clues about the colonization process. The investigated material was collected during the fall of 2011 and a correspondence analysis is used to analyze the collected material. The purpose of using a correspondence analysis is to test the method as a tool for investigating Mesolithic flint technologies. The essay also discusses marine hunter-gatherers, their economy and how their archeological remains differ from terrestrial hunter-gatherers..

Bygelstolpar : Kraft- och spänningsanalys av bygelstolpar tillhörande Bruks mobila hugg 805 CT

This report is the result of a thesis as been implemented during the spring term 2009 atthe University of Gävle.The company Bruks produces mobile chippers which are used for chipping loggingslash, roundwood and parts of trees. The chipper is powered by a separate diesel engineand the chipper can be assembled on trucks, trailers or some other carrier vehicles.When the chip has passed the chipper drum, the chip is collected in an integrated binwhich is mounted on the vehicles frame with dumping yokes. When these dumpingyokes were designed they were probably created with large material dimensions. Theaim with the degree project is hence to study the strengths of materials and, if possible,to suggest an arrangement that can decrease the total weight on the dumping yoke onBruks´ mobile chippers 805 CT.The CAD-program Pro/ENGINEER was used during the project for outlining the 2Ddrawings,as distributed of constructors on Bruks, to solid 3D-parts. The three-dimensionalassembly from Pro/ENGINEER was transferred to Pro/MECHANICA.

Medicinering inom hemtjänsten

This work has been done by three development engineers and one computer engineer and in some cooperation with the company Phoniro. This report is written for computer science and is mainly oriented on the programming part in the project. The goal has been to develop a program that ensures the quality of the care that the home care organization delivers. The program is developed for cellphones and is supposed to be used in every visit. Several functions have been developed for the reason of reducing mistakes in patient visits, where the focus was on safe medication.

Hur biodiversitet på ekosystemnivå skiljer sig mellan olika habitat

Biodiversity can be described as the total variation of life forms, where diversity ranges from gene level up to the ecosystem level. The diversity can be calculated in a number of ways, and this study use one of these methods. In this study empirical food webs have been used and analyzed, where eleven characters are defined and used as parameters to calculate the Euclidean distances between food webs that describe the variation that may exist within classes of terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats. The class who stood out and showed the greatest diversity at the ecosystem level was the marine food webs, which showed a high value of the average euclidean distance. The other networks were not as distinctive and the average of the euclidean distance in these classes was comparatively low..

Ingenjörkompaniet i urban miljö ? ett historiskt perspektiv på nutida förmågor

Urban operations is one of the most difficult challenges a modern army can be tasked with. These challenges have been studied in history and present with various perspectives, but rarely from a combat engineering point of view. The purpose of this thesis has been to study the urban capabilities of a Swedish combat engineer company by examining if it can perform similar combat engineering fieldwork that supported the basic capabilities mobility, defence and effect in Operation AL FAJR, Fallujah Iraq 2004. These are the capabilities a Swedish engineer company are primarily designed to support in urban operations.For example, the study of Operation AL FAJR has shown that fieldwork supported mobility with breaching minefields, obstacles, walls and doors. Defence by creating defensive positions and obstacles.

Faktorer som påverkade valet : En studie i blivande sjöingenjörers utbildningsval

Den svenska handelsflottan har de senaste åren varit utsatt för massiva utflaggningar vilket har lett till att många sjömän har fått gå i land eller sökt arbete under annan flagg. Trots problemen med utflaggning och en potentiell minskad arbetsmarknad har sjöingenjörsprogrammet de senaste åren inte haft några större problem att fylla sina utbildningsplatser. Framtiden är fortsatt oviss och konkurrensen från andra sjöfartsnationer ökar. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka vilka bakomliggande attityder och förväntningar som gjorde att studenter år 2013 valde att börja studera på det fyra åriga sjöingenjörsprogrammet i Kalmar, samt att mäta inställningen till den allt mer krympande svenska handelsflottan. För att genomföra detta arbete användes en enkätundersökning där förstaårsstudenterna på det fyraåriga sjöingenjörsprogrammet utgjorde populationen.

Vindkraft och elbilar på Öland år 2020 : Är smart laddning av elbilar lösningen på ett framtida flaskhalsproblem?

The Island of Öland has one of the best wind climates for land based wind power in Sweden. An objective for the Island is to become self sufficient using electricity from renewable source of energy such as wind. There is currently 55 MW capacity installed on the Island and it is estimated that grid congestion will occasionally occur if more than 135 MW was installed.The aim of this thesis is to investigate he possibilities for load management by smart charging of electric vehicles, EV. The definition of smart charging is that the charging is done to some extent with an ICT-system, (information and communication technology) that correlates wind electricity generation to the charging of electric vehicles. The purpose is to avoid grid congestions on the sub-sea cable that connects Öland to the mainland because that in turn would curtail wind energy production.

 Användandet av fältarbetsförmågan :  En jämförelse av fältarbetsförmågan i Sverige och i Afghanistan

Denna uppsats skrivs som examensarbete under sista terminen på officersprogrammet på Försvarshögskolan. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad i hur fältarbetsförmågan används i en nationell insats i Sverige och i en internationell insats i Afghanistan och om det finns några slutsatser att dra om eventuell skillnad. Genomgående i uppsatsen har de fyra inriktningarna; fältarbeten för rörlighet, fördröjandefältarbeten, fältarbeten för överlevnad och övriga fältarbeten används för att förklara fältarbetsförmågan. De resultat som visade sig efter jämförelsen var att det finns ett litet behov av broresurser och fördröjande fältarbeten i Afghanistan jämfört med Sverige. De dragna slutsatserna är att fältarbetsförmågans storlek i Afghanistan är beroende av den totala insatsens storlek.

Användning av CAD-data vid NC-programmering

The degree project is performed at Metso Kamfab. The production is aimed on machines everything from handling of fiber to paper pulp. Metso Fiber and Kamfab are using Pro/Engineer for design and blueprint production. The processing department types the NC-programs in notepad on the basis of the blueprints, the CAD-dates that already is there are not used. The aim with the work is to study if Kamfab can use CAM-system for processing and production of programs for their NC-machines.

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